What is HCG?
HCG stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. It is medically used to induce ovulation in females and to stimulate testosterone production in males. HCG requires a prescription and is injected into the subcutaneous fat or in the muscle tissue.
How does HCG work?
For this discussion, we will be focusing on the action in males. HCG mimics leutenizing hormone (LH). LH stimulates the Leydig cells in the testicles to produce testosterone. This action also causes the testes to return to normal size and function if they were suppressed due to exogenous (from the outside) testosterone.
Who should use HCG?
Men who currently are on testosterone therapy should use HCG one week on and three weeks off.
What happens if I’m on testosterone and I don’t use HCG?
When your body has enough testosterone, the brain does not send the LH signal to your testicles. Therefore, you will not make any testosterone until your levels drop to below normal and the signal returns, stimulating production. Since you are getting testosterone from an outside source, your brain is most likely not sending that signal to your testicles. Over time, the old adage of “use it or lose it” comes into play and your testicles will shrink in size. The time is different for every man and the amount of “shrinkage” is different for every man. Fortunately, the HCG will quickly restore the size and function.
Will HCG stimulate my own testosterone production?
Yes, but I wouldn’t recommend it. Using HCG regularly over time will desensitize the Leydig cells to your own LH. So when you stop the HCG, your testicles will not recognize the LH signal from your brain…not good. HCG will increase your own testosterone for about five days after you inject it.
Will HCG stimulate estrogen production?
Yes. When testosterone rises sharply, your body will aromatize the testosterone into estrogen. This can be prevented with a tablet called anastrazole. My patients take anastrazole anyway while on testosterone therapy.
Anything else I should know?
Of course…When you are on testosterone therapy, it is inevitable that your cholesterol level will go up. Cholesterol is the beginning chemical structure for many of our hormones. The enzyme that begins the changes of cholesterol into other hormones is stimulated by LH. When taking testosterone, LH is suppressed. When you inject the HCG, the enzyme is stimulated again and the pathway flows normally.
How to take HCG.
The dose I recommend is 500IU three times a week, one week on, three weeks off. Usually, my patients inject the HCG during the first week of each month. It gets injected just like a diabetic would inject insulin. The level peaks in about 6 hours and remains at this level for 36 hours. After about 72 hours, the level is back to baseline.
When my patients get their HCG from the pharmacy, it is freeze-dried and must be reconstituted with bacteriostatic water. Everything comes ready to go in the kit. You will draw 5ml of bacteriostatic water from the vial and inject it into the dried HCG vial. DO NOT shake the HCG because the molecule is a peptide and is held together by weak carbon bonds. Shaking can destroy the molecule.
Then draw 0.5ml of mixed HCG into the small insulin syringe provided. Inject the HCG into the subcutaneous fat of your lower abdomen. Store the HCG in the refrigerator after it is mixed. The vial expires 30 days after mixing.
Using HCG while taking testosterone is important to maintain testicular size and function, help balance the other hormones needed in the body, and increases a man’s sense of well-being and libido. As time goes on and research continues, we are learning more and more about how to properly use this wonderful hormone.
Using HCG every other day at 500 IU plus TRT was shown to improve sperm count and quality by Lipshultz et al at Baylor. I am not sure why you would want to cycle HCG one week on and two weeks off. Desensitization does not occur specially at low doses.
HCG stimlulates your natural ablilty to make Testosterone on your own. If you take testosterone by itself, then your body will think it doesn’t have to. 500mg is an awful lot! You might want a second opinion.
Hey I have a quick question
I’m 43 yr old male on .6ml (120mg) of test cup per wk, .5ml hcg per week and 1mg anastomosis per wk. I discovered after the clinic took me off hcg earlier this year I felt better than with it. I began injecting at home and hcg was in the prescription sent so i decided to try it again and felt horrible depression and feelings of emptiness. After the month of that I stopped and my energy levels returned. So my question is given that side effect and that fertility is not a concern for me, do you see any reason to take the hcg , do you think splitting the dose, or a lower dose could be beneficial
Thanks for your time
Do I really need to take hcg with my test shots of .50 ml. I’m 43 three kids no more wanted
Hi my name is Haley and I had a concern regarding my husband , my husband has been using anabolic steroids for a little over a year now without cycling off. we have been trying to get pregnant for a year as well he is 25 years old and currently takes injectable tren and test , he just received an order of hcg my question is will he be able to become fertile again and if so how long does it take for his body to regulate itself and how long should I expect to become pregnant ,
Yes got off a year and half cycle and 2 months later got my now wife pregnant..Clomid helps too.
Very interesting information here. I am 46 and I think my “T” is at about 240. I have had a little success with D Aspartic Acid and Tongkat Ali. But it has faded and now feeling pretty drained and low energy again. I am very much thinking about going to a Mens Clinic that provides T injections with HCG. I’m nervous to try it, but am thinking it’s worth a “shot” <–(pun intended)
I am not sure how things are going to go, I already have a slightly larger left chest that is noticeable if you look. But it's been there for the last 10 years. More noticeable when I've been working out though. I have tried creams, but only for about two weeks, then Dr. switched out to HcG tablets for about 30 days, then to HcG injections-think 100 per shot 1 x per week over 10 weeks. I think halfway through they must have started working as the energy increased and I tested at about 460. but they stopped after 10 weeks and suggested some other homeopathic options. Libido is OK, not ike it was, but I feel maybe 2X a week I get pretty horny still. Still have morning Erections, some days they are softer and shorter lived than others. So that's me. Advice?
Homeopathic anything doesn’t work, period
Try Sermorlin as well as HCG with your testosterone injections.
Hi I’m taking 250mg of test enanthate weekly as TRT need some advice about HCG increasing my fertility as we are trying to conceive I’m 43 & without my TRT my levels are that of a school boy due to years of steroid abuse unfortunately. I’ve managed to get my wife pregnant twice this year but both ended in miscarriage. First was a shock as I’d been on TRT & did a short course of steroids. Second time I came off TRT but did not cope well. Not sure what to do to bring my sperm production back from the dead. Have had SA done and they were quiet bad but still managed to get my wife pregnant. Any idea on the dose of HCG that would benefit me with the amount of Test I take??
Hi I’m taking 250mg of test enanthate weekly how much HCG do I need to start taking to bring my sperm/fertility back on track if we are trying to concieve. We have managed to get pregnant twice this year already both ending in miscarriage. Last time I went of TRT cold turkey & it was awful. Want to know the best option for increased fertility I’m 43. Thanks
Hello Doc, I have some concern about my T Therapary! I went To A Uroligist im 53 year old male! My T Was Low Total And Free! First blood text This December at my regular Docs Total Was 334 and my free was 7.5! So I found a Uroliogist That does It so it was like mid march and he took my blood for totals and free and my total was only 286 and my Free was only 4.3 it was Very low so i didnt do anything for a few month and started injecting only 1/2 ml Every 2 wks for a month and then he told me to do a 1 ml a wk so i started doing that so after 9 wks maybe 10 wks it went up to 486 and my Total and my free was 10.5 so its been going up! But i have friends that take the arimidex 3 to 4 times a wk .25 for the estrogen blocking so i got some and started taking the last few wks every other day! But my buddy who goes to a clinic get Hcg Shots 2 times a wk suppose to stop shrinkage of the Testies which i noticed mine are shrinking and my hair has been thinning to! So im not sure what to do my doctor never suggested either one i brought up but didnt perscribe it to me so can you please advise me what maybe i should do please thank you Rocky
Hi Dr. Conner,
I have very low testosterone and also low levels of free testosterone. Is it safe to use HCG? I read about side effects, but I am not sure if they are common or rare. I’ve read that it can cause fatigue, irritability, restlessness, depression, fluid buildup (edema), and gynecomastia. Another serious concern is the risk of blood clots forming and blocking blood vessels. What is your opinion regarding this? I want to try it, but I am hesitant. Your comments are appreciated. Thanks
On 200 mg of testosterone per week taken 100 mg on tues morning and Friday pm for a total of 200 mg per week how much anastrozole would you recommend to start at generally?
hello Doc,
im on T for about 2 years now I changed clinic and the new doc. put me on .5ml injection ones per week and .25ml x2 per week of hcg , my concern is that hcg causes blood cloth and strokes is that true?
thank you