What is HCG?
HCG stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. It is medically used to induce ovulation in females and to stimulate testosterone production in males. HCG requires a prescription and is injected into the subcutaneous fat or in the muscle tissue.
How does HCG work?
For this discussion, we will be focusing on the action in males. HCG mimics leutenizing hormone (LH). LH stimulates the Leydig cells in the testicles to produce testosterone. This action also causes the testes to return to normal size and function if they were suppressed due to exogenous (from the outside) testosterone.
Who should use HCG?
Men who currently are on testosterone therapy should use HCG one week on and three weeks off.
What happens if I’m on testosterone and I don’t use HCG?
When your body has enough testosterone, the brain does not send the LH signal to your testicles. Therefore, you will not make any testosterone until your levels drop to below normal and the signal returns, stimulating production. Since you are getting testosterone from an outside source, your brain is most likely not sending that signal to your testicles. Over time, the old adage of “use it or lose it” comes into play and your testicles will shrink in size. The time is different for every man and the amount of “shrinkage” is different for every man. Fortunately, the HCG will quickly restore the size and function.
Will HCG stimulate my own testosterone production?
Yes, but I wouldn’t recommend it. Using HCG regularly over time will desensitize the Leydig cells to your own LH. So when you stop the HCG, your testicles will not recognize the LH signal from your brain…not good. HCG will increase your own testosterone for about five days after you inject it.
Will HCG stimulate estrogen production?
Yes. When testosterone rises sharply, your body will aromatize the testosterone into estrogen. This can be prevented with a tablet called anastrazole. My patients take anastrazole anyway while on testosterone therapy.
Anything else I should know?
Of course…When you are on testosterone therapy, it is inevitable that your cholesterol level will go up. Cholesterol is the beginning chemical structure for many of our hormones. The enzyme that begins the changes of cholesterol into other hormones is stimulated by LH. When taking testosterone, LH is suppressed. When you inject the HCG, the enzyme is stimulated again and the pathway flows normally.
How to take HCG.
The dose I recommend is 500IU three times a week, one week on, three weeks off. Usually, my patients inject the HCG during the first week of each month. It gets injected just like a diabetic would inject insulin. The level peaks in about 6 hours and remains at this level for 36 hours. After about 72 hours, the level is back to baseline.
When my patients get their HCG from the pharmacy, it is freeze-dried and must be reconstituted with bacteriostatic water. Everything comes ready to go in the kit. You will draw 5ml of bacteriostatic water from the vial and inject it into the dried HCG vial. DO NOT shake the HCG because the molecule is a peptide and is held together by weak carbon bonds. Shaking can destroy the molecule.
Then draw 0.5ml of mixed HCG into the small insulin syringe provided. Inject the HCG into the subcutaneous fat of your lower abdomen. Store the HCG in the refrigerator after it is mixed. The vial expires 30 days after mixing.
Using HCG while taking testosterone is important to maintain testicular size and function, help balance the other hormones needed in the body, and increases a man’s sense of well-being and libido. As time goes on and research continues, we are learning more and more about how to properly use this wonderful hormone.
If i just got done with test. therapy and my levels have dropped due to LH signals… What should I do. My Test. level is at 84 now and my doctor said I should take HCG. However my doctor wants my levels around 800 min. – 1100 max. But i’m worried HCG will make all this worse when I stop taking it. What should I take.
I am 47. I have been on Test Cyp for 2 years now. Before I started taking it my issue was libido. It was non existent. I was put on 1.5ml once a week. My Test level went from 97 to over 1200 so they reduced the dosage to .8ml a week. Still libido in in the garbage. I feel no different on or off the Test Cyp. A lot of people claim they have a lot of energy, sex drive, weight loss, etc. Me I have none of that. In fact I put on 30 lbs. I am at a loss. Seems like most men are doing 3x the amount of Test Cyp that I am taking. I was also taking ant estrogen tabs at the same time. Did not notice anything different. Cant say I have Shrinkage at all but definitely libido is still not there and I would also say a lack of sensation as well. What would be a recommended Testosterone level for my age? What would HCG do for me that I am not getting now, if anything?
I have been on TRT for about 8 months now. I have varied my dosage several times and have included HCG and Anastrazole regularly. I could write more than a person will read, but with that said, i have noticed my libido change depending on where my E2 levels are. Too low of estrogen and libido is gone, too high same thing. Problem is finding the “sweet spot”. I have been lucky to hit it several times and am currently bouncing back and forth from one week to another ( which is good) because i am closing the gap. With all that said, it really has taken about 6-7 months to notice a major improvement in libido.
I’ve been on TRT for approximately 5 years, I am 53 and I cycle the Test cyp 10 weeks on and 3 weeks off, at a dose of usually 200ml/week. I use Arimidex to control E 1mg 2-3x/week. I have consistently noticed my libido peaks 3-4 weeks in my T cycle.. I would like to maintain that level all the time!! Would the Hcg injections help??
Iam 32 yrs old man married and I have 1 son 5 month ihave no libido weak erection
diagnose IHH I start sustanon 3 wk ago clomid 50 mg 2 month and im notice no improvement . Can I start HCG inj and if I start it for how long ineed to use it
Been there, i feel your pain. Good news is you can get that puppy up and running again, bad news it will take effort and some time. I have found that more frequent injections is better ( currently i am on EOD) , tried once a week, twice a week, and every third day, all had their own issues. I have had many blood tests and the total test and free test do best with every other day injections. I had weeks where my erections were good then soft and nothing. It has taken almost 6 months to see a major change in my libido. Good luck !!
A new doctor I went to put me on hcg I had test levels of 668 post hcg and was tested several times over a year all being over 600 I told him I didn’t think I need the hcg I went on it anyway now my test levels are in the 300 range I’m very depressed I think I was lh desensitized I was taking it for 2.5 months via injection twice a week at 500mg per injection. Will my test levels come back to 600 again naturally or am I forever messed up?
500mg holy sht…
500 iu’s twice weekly for 2 and a half months isn’t a long time. I doubt the HCG is responsible. Leydig cell desensitisation hasn’t been proven. You could bounce back but it sounds like hypogonadism to me. Personally I would consider TRT with HCG at 250iu’s twice a week and Test Enathate or Cypionate at 250mg per week.
I am on testosterone injections after a pituitary tumor surgery 13 years back. currently, on testosterone undeconate every 90 days for past 6 years. But, testicles shrunk too. I’ve been through HCG+HMG and natural testosterone shooted up (didn’t checked the value), and I became fertile too. What is worrying is, without any precautions taking Test.Undeconate will not be good for me as long as I wanted to remain fertile.(I’m married). So, Can you suggest what will be a good dose of HCG for me?
Hi Dr.West,
I was not clear in my early post. I am taking Nebido every 80-90 days. So, HCG dosage of 500IU three times on first week and on every three weeks ok? Please suggest when to do a blood test?
I had craniopharyngioma surgery done through nose and a remnant tumour is present which shows slight growth when I am NOT on testosterone or HCG+HMG combination.
I did a testosterone blood test after stopping HCG+HMG injections after a gap of 34 days and it came 16.93ng/dl (very low). So, my pituitary functions not good.
Let me preface this by saying, I am not giving you medical advice. However, everything I am telling you can be verified by doing a quick google search of scholarly sources. Your test levels are very low, because your doctor is incompetent. 90% of your standard GPs and endos have no clue about TRT. The best place to go to is a TRT clinic. With “long acting” testosterone esters like enanthate and cypionate, you absolutely need to inject at least once a week to maintain steady levels of testosterone and avoid “shut-down” (extremely low testosterone). This is because the half-life of test E and Cyp is about 4-6 days. The half-life of test undeconate is about 15 days. This means that for it to work properly, you absolutely have to inject every 2 weeks at a minimum. If you are not timing the injections in a way that is commensurate with the ester, your levels will be much lower than they would be naturally, which leads to horrible side-effects. Unfortunately, most physicians either don’t bother to look at legitimate studies that prove this. You need to find a new doctor that knows what he/she is doing. Hopefully, you get this and I am really sorry for the side effects you are experiencing.
I agree with you completely. What would you say are the best time to schedule the hcg injections and how many iu’s how often considering someone is doing 500mg Test E per week.
for a 16 week period.
Hello, Dr.
I’ve been taking HCG for virility for 1 year now and it has certainly been a huge help, BUT I would also like to lose weight as people do with the HCG diet.
My question is are there different types of HCG being sold out there? One pharmacy that filled my prescription seems to work great for upping my testosterone and sexual readiness, but the other really seemed to take off weight and inches around my waste.
Ideally, I’d like both of those things to happen. I’d like to lose 40 pounds and be ready for sex.
Any thoughts or recommendations on this?
I’m a 40 year old man, 225lbs at 6 feet tall.
Thanks in advance!
If were to take 400mg a week of Test Cyp, how long before my LH and TSH would drop below normal levels w/out HCG alongside it?
i take 1cc of test a week. I have been on test for a few years now. I just finished a 12 week cycle of EQ. Now I’m back to just taking my test what dosage of hcg should I take and for how long can I take it?
500iu 3x a week, one week on, three weeks off taking as long as you are on testosterone
Interesting read. I am 22 and I used to take steroids well i was on test cyp and enanthate for about 5 to 6 weeks and I felt fine after taking nothing but letrzole, clomid and tamoxifen citrate for at least 5 weeks after I quit the test cold turkey. Well I’m afraid I have screwed up because I took hcg to make my testes grow back to normal size but now I have very low libido and extremely weak erections. Will my test levels return back to normal or must I go through TRT? If I do have to go through TRT is it something I’ll have to do for life?
At 22 years old, you should come back. It may take some time depending on you and your TRT dosing. Give it time.