Looking to work one-or-one with Dr. Conner?
What image comes to mind when someone mentions “Health Coach?” If you imagine a skinny guy telling you to eat sprouts, meditate, and drink horrible “energy drinks,” you’ve got another thing coming…
There are no other coaching programs like the packages Dr. Conner offers. From balancing your hormones, to erectile dysfunction, to effective fat loss programs, the quickest ways to gain muscle, anti-aging, and more, “The Renegade Pharmacist” can guide you to feeling and looking better than ever.
Most of us have neglected our bodies far too long. In our twenties and early thirties, we could afford to eat poorly and not exercise. Even though we heard our parents tell us, “it ain’t easy getting old,” we didn’t think this day would come. Well, now you’re here and that “health credit card” you’ve been using your whole life; the first bill has just arrived.
If you don’t change the way you treat your body,
where else are you going to live?
You have only four options…
1. Do nothing – continue being sick and tired of being sick and tired down your road of unbalanced hormones, embarrassment in the bedroom, “diet” programs that don’t work, frustrations in the gym, sluggish thyroid, and feeling burned out
2. Try to fix it yourself – immerse yourself in the sea of medical contradiction, chose between hundreds of diet plans, spend money on worthless supplements, or attempt to work out without injuring yourself
3. Work with another health professional – your doctor will just hand you another prescription for a chemical drug; the personal trainer at the gym knows less than you think about building real muscle and nothing about medicine
4. Work with Dr. Conner – One-on-one coaching to get your hormones balanced, no more embarrassments in the bedroom, your thyroid and adrenals working optimally, body fat under control, exercise programmed in, and improve your overall well-being.
To learn more about hormone services, click HERE
To learn more about libido and “performance” enhancement, click HERE
To learn more about Dr. Conner’s diet and exercise services, click HERE
Never had a coach before?
Many “health coaches” work for the local spa or fitness center. Most “dieticians” are skinny, pale, and don’t look healthy at all. Some so-called experts are more comfortable working on a generic “diet plan” rather than finding the root of the issue; hormones.
It is reasonable to ask questions of a potential coach, such as, “Do you practice what you preach?” Has the coach achieved a level of health and appearance that sets him or her apart from the crowd? By definition, a coach must be an encourager and example of action, not just a planner or listener!
My coaching is much different than any other. I don’t hold your hand or ridicule you for eating the occasional junk food. I tell you what to do and how to do it based on decades of experience. After taking some simple home hormone tests, and answering a few questions, we immediately begin to shape your best options for new levels of success.

Phone Consultation
Phone Consultation – $100/30 minutes
You can purchase hormone tests separately from your doctor or elsewhere with the results sent to you. If you would like Dr. Conner’s expertise without the expense of personal coaching, this is the option for you. Dr. Conner can also advise you in areas of health and fitness, diet, fat loss, muscle gain, and other issues regarding your health.
The Next Step
Your next step is to fill out the Patient Intake Form and submit it to Dr. Conner. There is no cost at this point, this is just a way for us to get a feel for what you need.
You will get an email confirming that we got your intake form. We will either schedule a time for your consultation or schedule a short call to get things started. After our short call, we will send you a bill for the service you request. Once payment is received, we will mail out your testing kit and get things going.