A Letter from Dr. West Conner

I don’t think like other people. I have a tendency to be like my son and ask “Why?” to just about everything. I’m not just an outside the box thinker, I LIVE outside the box, heck, I broke the box.
Having come from humble beginnings, I know what it feels like to struggle. While I didn’t grow up “dirt-floor-poor,” my parents worked hard for everything we had.
The short version of the story is that I grew up in a neighborhood that, for lack of a better term, had a lot to be desired. I didn’t know any better. Doesn’t everyone have bars on their windows? You mean your house doesn’t get broken into on a regular basis? Mom’s car window broken with a brick, our family dog shot through the eye with a BB gun, our home repeatedly burglarized, and being harassed on a regular basis while riding my bike home from school are just a couple examples of my early life.
But I made it and now I’m a pharmacist and make a pretty good living. Shortly after I began practicing, I realized that prescription prices were getting out of control. So I had to ask “why?” My patients were complaining more and more about the increasing prices. During this time I began thinking that the people needing these medications are soon going to be in financial trouble. With many seniors on fixed incomes and the prescription prices going up, where is the money going to come from?
I began my quest to find ways to lower my patients’ prescription costs. Along the way, I’ve helped many people cut their medication expenses. With more experience and more knowledge, I’ve learned that often times expensive prescriptions drugs are not always the only answer to health issues. Diet, nutrition, exercise, and supplementation can all but eliminate the need for most prescription drugs. As we age, our bodies change, hormones fluctuate, and the downhill spiral begins. By correctly supplementing hormonal levels to bring the body back into balance, quality of life is greatly improved.
I started the first business, Rx Cost Cutters, in 2003 to try and help people save money on their medication. We soon realized that the need for this knowledge outweighed our available free time. The incredible demands for speaking, writing, and coaching were overwhelming. The business model morphed over the years and I became known as “The Medicine Coach.”
Again, as the years went by, my interests and direction changed. Turning 40 made me realize that our bodies really do age, it wasn’t just something my dad told me. So, I had to ask “why?” Turning my education towards hormone therapy and anti-aging, I used myself as a “guinea pig” and discovered the power of hormone therapy. Because many of my methods are unconventional, a client called me the renegade pharmacist. The name stuck.
We are now devoting the majority of our time to hormone balance and healthy lifestyle.
– Dr. West Conner aka “The Renegade Pharmacist”