What are the four main causes of accelerated aging?

arnold_then_now-300x297Excess Insulin
Insulin’s job, in a nutshell, is to shuttle carbohydrates in the form of glucose into cells to be used as energy.  Without insulin, the cells would starve and die.  Our body needs insulin and you must maintain a certain level in order to function.  Too much insulin, known as hyperinsulinemia, is a dangerous and age accelerating problem.  The noticeable outward sign of hyperinsulinemia is an excess of stored body fat.

Excess Blood Sugar
The main issue with too much blood sugar, or glucose, is the formation of specific proteins that stick to arteries and cause strokes, heart disease, kidney disease, blindness, and impotence.

Excess Free Radicals
A free radical is just a molecule that has an unpaired electron.  The body needs free radicals for food production, immunity, and the assembly of certain chemicals.  Any excess free radicals that are not used, will “steal” an electron from another molecule to make itself stable.  This forms another free radical from the “victim” molecule.  The new free radical is the problem.  We don’t know the original, purposed function of the “victim” molecule.  Whatever is was, it can no longer perform it’s duty.  And whatever it becomes, can potentially be very dangerous.  Eating too many calories is the number one way to generate excess free radicals.

Excess Cortisol
Certain brain cells are very sensitive to cortisol.  When these cells are stimulated by cortisol, they become excited.  Repeated stimulation caused by too much cortisol can cause damage and even death to these cells.  Cortisol also blocks proteins that control many biological systems in the body.  When these proteins are blocked to often for long periods of time, damage to the body’s systems occurs.

All four of these “agers” are related.

Eating too many calories cause free radical formation.

If these calories came from carbohydrates, you will get an increase in glucose and insulin levels in your blood.

As the glucose increases, so does your risk of heart disease, kidney disease, blindness, and impotence.

Then, the body releases a large amount of insulin in an attempt to lower the glucose level.

Too much insulin lowers the glucose too much and the body secretes cortisol as a back-up energy system.

The cortisol damages the brain and disrupts our body’s chemical messenger system.

Now, cells cannot communicate effectively with each other.

How can you have an effective, well-run “team” without communication?

So, does it make sense that we can slow, or even stop, the process of aging if we can somehow get our cells to continue to communicate properly?

This is one of the main aspects of anti-aging medicine, continued cellular communication.

Can you figure out the most powerful tool you have to avoid these four causes of aging?

If you can’t, I’ll give you a hint:

One day I may write a weight loss book titled, “You Need a Shorter Fork.”

Actually, the book would only be two pages long.  I’ll give you the whole book here…

Page One:  Eat Less

Page Two:  The End

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